If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when?
– Hillel, 100 B.C.
Our Values
Our Approach
Anti-disciplinary – which we feel goes beyond inter-disciplinary. We actively look for solutions at the intersection of fields. Our projects are large and complex and they can only be solved by a team that brings diverse expertise and perspectives to the table. Some operating principles which we follow in our teams:
Focus on doing the most good for the most people.
Pause>Look around and see what is needed> Do that to the best of our ability. Repeat.
Identify with the solution that works – not with a discipline, territory, institution, or belief system.
Our Work
Open Innovation Labs was formed with the goal to leverage technology to amplify the human condition. While Open Innovation Labs is situated in Detroit and Ann Arbor, it strives to be a platform for anyone passionate about contributing to the causes we pursue. Most of our projects are focused on serving unmet needs of disenfranchised populations and other underdog situations. We also work on initiatives that move the needle on future technologies such as Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage.
We bring to bear bleeding edge technologies such as Robotics, AI, IoT, Cloud and blend it with the social sciences such as behavioral psychology to craft solutions that do the most good for the most people. We have a need for robotics engineers, A.I. engineers, app developers, product designers, industrial designers, manufacturing and industrial engineers, user interface designers among others.
Irrespective of your area and level of expertise, there are several ways you can contribute to our projects. There is no age, gender or required qualification. The only necessary ingredient is a passion to make a difference. You could be a domain expert, researchers, academic, graduate , undergraduate or high school student.
If what you read excites you, we are excited to have you on board!
We have on our team experts in the fields of Industrial Robotics, A.I., Big Data, IoT, Automotive and Information Technology. Many of the people working on our projects have over 10+ years industry experience in one of the above domains. Below are highlighted some of the companies and institutions where our community of experts, scientists, designers, researchers and managers have worked and studied.